Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Up-Date On The Show Season

I have not up-dated the blog in several months, so here are a few high-lights:

Silvation pulled a second place at Maryland Nationals with handler Oliver Brown out of 7 entires. They were also second at the Showplace Spring Festival out of 6 entries.

Kaitlyn and Bellaruby are kicking pony tail in the Green Pony Hunters. They already have several clean sweeps behind them and are getting better by the week. They're getting their flying changes and starting to do some tougher Eq courses. Of course, Kaitlyn is growing like a weed, but at least the pony has some body and can take up her leg.

Caitlin and Three Tricks have become the stars of the show. Tricky has won almost every hack class entered and is putting in some pretty fantastic trips over fences. They won the hack and then earned a first and third over fences out of 16 entries at Sandstone a few weeks ago in the Children's Hunter. Tricky is starting to school 3' and we're starting to look towards the VHSA Finals with this horse. The way things are going, I think they will be ready to take on the world in a few short months.

Chelsea and IBA Blue Diamond are having a blast this year. They put in a lovely, lovely trip at Upperville and should be very proud of themselves She's getting ready for the Pony Medal Finals at Loudoun on June 14th.

Stephanie injured herself (non-horse related) and is slowly getting back into the saddle.

Dawn injured herself in December on the slopes and is also slowly getting back into the saddle with the help of PT and injections.

Connie, Eryn, Dana, and Olivia are taking it easy so far this year and just hitting a few shows here and there.

That's what been going on with the team these past few months.

1 comment:

Vectormom said...

Congrats on the year so far Rachel and all your students! I love IBA Blue Diamond especially. What a cutie. Good luck with the shows. One of my trips up there, I'm just going to have to stop by. I get into DC about once every couple months. I've been showing my WP mare and we finally won a blue in showmanship out of 13 entries 2 weeks ago. We still have our awesome one eyed wonder horse, Private Eye; the king of the universe, the great paint (in his own mind...LOL) Riffraff, and Scotch Pine Zip (Belle, my WP mare) and Bri has her black pony, Rose (over at her farm), and Knight Flight (a horse she got down here- OTTB from a rescue). Sadly we lost Flyboy to complications from old age last September. I had a stroke last year but been better lately.
I love three tricks too! TB's especially OTTB's are my favorite horses!! Good luck, hope to keep watching ya'll's progress.